However, the United States was not among them, which, as is known, due to its embargo against Cuba, is deprived of Cuban cigars. And the management of Dunhill really wanted to conquer this promising market as well. And then the idea came up to release Dunhill cigarettes in some other country. To begin with, the choice fell on the Spanish Canary Islands, where since 1986 they began to produce Dunhill with a red-brown bow. The filling and binder were from local varieties of tobacco, and the cover was Cameroonian. This Dunhill differed significantly from the Cuban one in terms of taste and aromatic characteristics, it was softer and with a pronounced peppery note. The line included five Corona, Corona Extra, Corona Grande, Lonsdale Grand and Panetela cigars.
The next producing country for Dunhill cigarettes was the Dominican Republic. In 1989, the Consolidated Cigars Corporation, which owns the Tabacalera de GarcĂa factory, began producing blue ribbon cigars. The brand was named Dunhill Aged Cigars. The composition of the new cigars was as follows: a filling of a mixture of Brazilian and Dominican tobaccos, a Dominican binder, and an American Connecticut wrapper. The format line included 13 cigars of various formats; three of them (Cabreras, Tabaras and Altamiras) were produced in tubes.
Thus, by 1999, three lines of Dunhill cigarettes were presented on the world market, produced in different countries (in the Canary Islands, in the Dominican Republic and Honduras).
What are Dunhill cigarettes? The taste of Dunhill cigarettes is a decent other option to dispose of awful disposition. This was really a present for smoking fans. These cigarettes are smoking, as well as a joy for the individuals who truly rest with great tobacco. Genuine smokers don’t expend an excess of tobacco, however can fulfill their energy with the better than average stuff. It is possible that the fact that Dunhill produced alternative cigars “on the side”, as a result of which the Cubans lost the exclusive on the brand, and led to the fact that the contract between Dunhill and Cubatabaco, which ended in 1991, was not renewed. The Dunhill brand is no longer Cuban. Now the Cuban Dunhill can only occasionally be bought at auctions, and the price of one box can reach several thousand dollars.